Funpark Menina is an OUTDOOR company focused on adrenaline sports for families and individuals of all ages.
We offer a wide range of activities in the natural surroundings of the Upper Savinja Valley that relax the human spirit and energise the body.
Our company consists of an educated, licensed and hospitable team, who always provide good service with good humour and quality equipment.
Lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park, wild water rescuer – C category, senior alpinist trainee
Lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park, wild water rescuer – C category, CIC gorge guide, kayak teacher SD1, Ž ski instructor SD1, mountain guide SD1, mountaineer (SD1)
Social media and advertising/marketing
IRF Rafting guide
Lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park
Sport climbing assistant, lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park
Lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park
Lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park
Lifeguard instructor in the adrenaline park, junior alpinist trainee
Intern 2020, Instructor – climbing park rescuer, category C rescuer
Instructor – rescuer in a climbing park, category C rescuer
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