Our Funpark Menina blog entries are mostly based on providing detailed information on a selected recreation-related topic. This time, however, we will only inform you with photos, because words are superfluous in this case.
All we can tell you is that we have a brand new adrenaline park at Camping Menina.
The park is located at our lake and is based on a zipline, just like the old park, but the new one consists of 8 tasks, 7 of which are strenuous descents and 1 skill task.
Ps. You all know our summer urban sports camp with the team Flow Ramps ? It could be said that urban sports will now also take place high in the treetops.
Find out more when you visit us again and try out this great new feature for yourself!
We would like to thank Flying Rhino who built us a real adventure. Thank you!

Enjoy the spring and see you again soon!
Your Funpark Menina team!